5E Cosmic Horror Setting - The City that Crawled out of the Sea

Adventure through CHAPELWICK, a cosmic horror campaign setting like no other! Traverse the shifting districts of the sentient city and uncover the sinister mysteries festering within. Face the madness amidst the horrors of the 13th Hour. No one is safe from the city that crawled out of the sea.

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Encounter, Endure, Escape

The best new 5e supplement for creating your party's next maddening cosmic horror adventure.  

  • Story-rich Campaign Setting immersed in classic eldrich atmosphere, facing the sentient city of Chapelwick itself. 
  • Double-edged Madness Mechanic effects that integrate into gameplay and roleplay, as you doubt you own mind.
  • Raid-style Boss Encounters with layered mechanics, combat phases, and thematic abilities. 
  • Souls-like 13th Hour Death Mechanic raising the stakes of venturing out every time the clock strikes thirteen. 

New Classes & Subclasses 

Play as one of 13+ new Thematic Class and Subclass options that embody Chapelwick's horrors, reflecting the nightmares you encounter. Integrate player experience into the unfolding story, becoming characters of lore, immortalized in stained glass. 

Hellfire Domain Cleric

 Mage of the Hollow Empyrean Wizard

Sinister Pallbearer Rogue

Play the one-shot today!

Tell us where to send everything you need to play Escape from Solitude Heights (including music and pre-gens) and receive a special offer for our backers.

Discover the Secrets of the Sentient City 

Engage players with a spread of interactions and powerful items to equip them against the daunting creatures of the 13th Hour. 

  • 13 Malignant Relics: artifacts to be discovered that wake from their slumber as their secrets are uncovered. 
  • 21+ magical Items the party can use throughout the Chapelwick.  
  • 13+ fearsome Feats to create a character build that is entirely you. 
  • 21+ treacherous Spells to take advantage of the cosmic arcana of Chapelwick.
  • 13 unlockable Districts to traverse the city and uncover each location's twisted piece of the larger story.
  • 13+ narrative Boss encounters that unravel the mysteries of the great elder one behind the veil.
  • 13 raid-style Nightmare Hunter encounters ultimate distortions of each class option containing various tactical elements and horror-filled mechanics. 

Immerse Your Party into the Eldrich Atmosphere of Chapelwick

Hauntingly Orchestrated
Musical Score

Play to a custom soundtrack composed for story encounters and ambient in-betweens to deepen immersion.

Board Game Style
Madness Mechanic Deck

Roleplay-integrated madness in the hands of the players, the Madness Reference Deck crafts stackable Madness and Resilience endured by the party.

Aestheticly Engaging
Art Pieces

Enviornmental art, achievement interactive maps, and evocative creature art and mini files for each terrifying exploration and encounter.

Play the one-shot today!

Tell us where to send everything you need to play Escape from Solitude Heights (including music and pre-gens) and receive a special offer for our backers.

Streamlined Accessibility

Smart, user-friendly design with visual content features, including music cues, NPC roleplaying guides, and combat tables - pertinent information all on the same page. 
New and Veteran DMs alike will spend less time preparing and more time playing!